Siren #317: Quark, $650

Siren #317: Quark, $650


Uniquely Philly. This Model R Atwater Kent Radio Speaker Horn was originally manufactured in Philadelphia in 1924. It is the smallest of the Atwater Kent Speaker Horns. This rare speaker horn has its original red label and is paired with a red oak base made from a fallen tree in Wallingford, PA. This particular horn can swivel in the base

Quark stands approximately 17” tall with a 12.5” bell x 10” deep. We filled in the minor cracks with resin. The base is finished with Betty’s Board Butter (beeswax & mineral oil). You may want to re-oil the base occasionally. Each Siren is signed on the bottom of the base.

If your phone has stereo options you may want to play around with mono and stereo settings to see which you prefer.

Please let us know if you have a plus sized phone.

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Siren #16: Copper Witch, $650 CopperWitchesHat.jpg

Siren #16: Copper Witch, $650

Siren #313: Clotho, $275 IMG_8950.jpeg

Siren #313: Clotho, $275

Siren #307: Asher, $225 IMG_7712.jpeg

Siren #307: Asher, $225

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Siren #91: Bodacious Witch, $700

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Siren #302: Hail, $250
