Siren #301, #303-#304: Stir Fry, Coil & Darach

Siren #301, #303-#304: Stir Fry, Coil & Darach
Our Sawdust Sirens are old style acoustic amplifiers for your new phone's speaker. Simply put your phone in and have a listen.
Siren #301: Stir Fry (photos 1-5): This particular antique/vintage car horn and is approximately 8.25” tall with a 5.25” bell and married to a base made from reclaimed ash. The whole piece is 10.75” tall x 5.” wide x 6.5” deep. Stir Fry is moving to Hawaii with choreographer/dancer Max Winig.
Siren #303: Coil (photos 1, 6-8):This particular antique/vintage car horn is approximately 9.5” tall with a 3.5” bell and married to a base made from reclaimed oak. The whole piece is 12.25” tall x 5.75” wide x 9.75” deep
Siren #304: Darach (photos 1, 8-11): This particular antique/vintage car horn is approximately 8” tall with a 5.75” bell and married to a base made from reclaimed oak. The whole piece is 11.5” tall x 5.5” wide x 7.25” deep. Darach has moved to Ipswich, MA.
These types of horns would have been mounted on the side of a car or motorcycle and used to have a reed and rubber ball attached to it. The base is finished with Betty’s Board Butter (beeswax and mineral oil). You may wish to re-oil your base occasionally. Each Siren is signed on the bottom of the base.