Siren #241: Yamamba

Siren #241: Yamamba
Yamamba was known as the Mountain Witch starting in the mid-1300’s. She was recognized as the old woman of the woods who devoured men, gave gifts to travellers, and could birth thousands of children at a time. This Early 20th Century Brass “Witch’s Hat” Phonograph Horn was used with an Edison cylinder phonograph and/or Columbia graphaphone. She has been updated to amplify the music on your smartphone. She stands approximately 28.5” tall with a 13.75” bust with lots of patina. The whole piece is about 38.5” tall x 14” wide. The base is made from a fallen Japanese Yew from Tyler Arboretum and finished with Betty’s Board Butter (beeswax & mineral oil). You may wish to re-oil your base occasionally. Each Siren is signed on the bottom of the base with the siren # and name.
If your phone has stereo options you may want to play around with mono and stereo settings to see which you prefer.